Key Tools and Insights For Your Sporting Good Store’s Success

Sporting goods stores require a blend of retail efficiency and top-notch customer service. Our specialized POS system for sporting goods stores meets your diverse retail needs while ensuring an outstanding shopping experience that keeps customers returning.

Equip your sporting goods store with the tools to efficiently manage inventory, prevent theft, ensure compliance, and enhance customer satisfaction with our advanced software. Our team of industry specialists understands the unique demands of running a successful sporting goods store and helps you overcome your daily challenges. We provide superior technology specifically designed for your industry, empowering you to maintain competitiveness and profitability.

Want to See How it Can Work for Your Sporting Goods Store?

Discover the Benefits of a Cutting-Edge Sporting Goods POS System


Enhance Your Sporting Goods Store

Our comprehensive reporting system provides valuable insights to manage and enhance your business operations. Whether analyzing sales trends or employee performance, optimizing your store with our POS system has never been simpler.


Cultivate Customer Loyalty

Our specialized sporting goods POS software is tailored to tackle daily operational challenges. Its advanced features enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth while offering a loyalty program to keep customers coming back.


Effortless Product Management

With our advanced POS system, managing your sporting goods store’s diverse range of products becomes effortless. Seamlessly track top sellers and identify slow movers, empowering you to make informed purchasing decisions.

Sporting Goods POS With Innovative Features

Position yourself at the forefront of the sporting goods sector with a specialized POS system crafted for your store. Our cutting-edge sporting goods POS software sets a new benchmark, offering distinctive and advanced capabilities essential for your store’s success.

Some of our innovative features include:

  • Inventory management
  • Serial number tracking
  • Sales tracking by size
  • Barcode label printing
  • Kits and bundles
  • Detailed reporting
  • Seamless integrations
  • Multi-store ready
  • Customer loyalty program
  • Referral & gift card program
  • Tax calculation & reporting
  • Multi-unit pricing
  • Cash drawer management & reporting
  • Mix-n-match and BOGO


Finding the Perfect Retail POS Software: 3 Steps to Success

Services and Support

Operating a successful convenience store is a balancing act all on its own. When IT issues arise, extended periods of downtime can throw off that balance and affect your profitability. The General Store offers comprehensive support and services to ensure that doesn’t happen.

Our internal technical support department consists of experienced technicians, averaging a tenure of 18 years, and lightning-fast response times to ensure your problems are solved as soon as they arise. In addition, we offer initial setup, onsite and remote services, and our customized help website:

Our Solutions


Point Of Sale

Easily Process Any Type
of Sale


Inventory Management

Manage Stock Levels &
Improve Cash Flow


Vendor Management

Pay Invoices & Bills and
Reconcile Statements


Customer Management

Manage Lists, Loyalty &
Recurring Billing


Employee Tracking

Track Commission, Sales
& Timesheets


Accounting Software

Review Balance Sheets
and P&Ls


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